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NU Student Interviews with Original Underscore
December 2021
The upbeat LoFi instrumental underscore in this video interview was composed, edited, and mixed by Kaylee specifically for the project. The sounds used, with the exception of the drum track, were created mainly from scratch with virtual instruments and effects rather than by using samples or presets. It will also be released as a single soon and will be available for commercial use! Interview recording and post production audio mixing and editing by Daniel Hearns.​​​
Rescored & Redubbed Clip From Braveheart
May 2021
All audio from this iconic scene from Braveheart was replaced with an original score by Kaylee Rooklidge and sound design by Daniel Hearns as an assignment for a sound design class. The new music was scored directly to picture so that the accompaniment appropriately expresses the action and emotion of the clip and visuals.
All video credit to original Braveheart film, directed by Mel Gibson, 1995. ​May 2021